Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Shared Resources

"Although time holds the promise of change...problems around the globe remain the same."

The year is coming to a close and it has been interesting. It's the holidays. The most social time of the year and we're back in lockdown. All the bars, gyms, and stores close early. Movie theaters, nightclubs, and concert events are cancelled. People have been restricted to having only four guests in their homes. I'm hearing the word omicron so much in the news its starting to sound like a catch phrase. The only places that stay open after 8pm are grocery stores and coffeeshops. I'm grateful for those little things. According to the last update, if the problem improves the lockdown will end sometime in January.  I've been through this situation before and hoped not to go through it again. The fear is strong. Most citizens who can afford it travel across the border to Belgium for shopping and freedom.

This fear driven environment isn't limited to the social sector. The ripple effect like throwing a stone in calm water, has crushed all traditional markets. If you're into crypto I'm sure you've felt the pain of watching the prices drop like a plane with no pilot. The way people are panicking u would think it was the end of the world. It's not. I made a lot of money, lost a lot of money, and even though the market is crashing I'll earn it back. Since I get asked this question a lot, "What's my investment strategy?" I'll share some resources with you. This is not in investment advice. This is my method to get massive gains with minimum starting capital. 

First, use online resources to find new projects.
One of the resources I've used since its inception is (Full disclosure, I am an investor in their platform. That's not why they're being recommended.) Token Metrics provides A.I. learning technology with skilled analysts to find the best up and coming projects before they're launched. There are also indices with buy and sell signals to help plan an exit strategy. At least seventy percent of the coins in my portfolio were chosen from their platform. If you're interested in trying their services u can use this referral link for a discount. Others places like and have lists of new projects which are free, but may require u to complete certain tasks. Be careful with airdrop platforms because some less trustworthy places sell your data to third parties. Do your own research before giving up your information.

Some crypto influencers like
Bitboy Crypto and MMCrypto also provide daily information on projects and what's occurring in the space. One thing to remember with all these crypto influencers, is they can only offer u their opinions. Just like I'm doing right now. The only way you're going to make money is if u take time to research the project yourself. If it looks good to u then take the risk. If not don't do it. Never invest in a project just because a face on social media says it's going to 100x. There's a possibility that u get burned, especially with meme coins.  

Second, join projects early with a use case that innovates or solves a problem in crypto.
This can earn u six figures just off airdrops if they release a token down the line. Don't join hoping for an airdrop, join the project because it has good fundamentals and technology. The most notable airdrops released this year were 1inch, dydx, paraswap, instadapp, and opensea, on the Ethereum blockchain. There were numerous airdrops on other blockchains like Binance Chain, Solana, and Avalanche that were also profitable. 

Third, find good projects where u can stake or mine to earn yield.
Staking provides the fastest way to make a passive income. Some projects offer up to one hundred percent yield. One thing to consider when staking. The higher the APY (annual percentage yield)  the higher the risk. One place that is reliable, low risk, with high yield is Celsius. (Full disclosure, I am an investor in their platform. That's not why they're being recommended.) Celsius provides crypto lending services that allow u to borrow money without selling your crypto.  Also they offer great apy when u compare them to the rest of the market. Mining is safer than staking but the income is slower. The best mining hardware for me is Helium....look them up. Also less known but still really profitable is M2 Pro miner

Last, sell while the projects going up and when its going down.
 I start selling once the asset reaches 3x or higher. The amount u sell is irrelevant. What's important is to take profit along the way. Don't be one of those people who hodl through market peaks and let the price fall to market lows to sell. (Like I was in the last bull market) By taking profit along the way it frees up capital to re-invest into new projects. Both my Helium and Luna reached my price targets so I sold them. With the profit I brought some Near, Atlas, Ewt, Netvrk, and land in the metaverse game Embersword. You can never go broke by taking profits. But it's almost a guarantee u will if u don't, because nothing goes up forever. Also, never put all your funds into one project. It's better to split the funds into twenty projects or more. That way if one fails you have back-ups that can still be profitable. 

Check out the shared resources and always do your own research. I wish u health, wealth, and success. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well

Tha One an Only 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Rampant Xenophobia

"As the world falls into its winter slumber, my mind burns with the heat of summer."

I'm not the most intelligent of people. I'm skilled in many things...but a master of nothing. My grades were average and I was never the top of my class. I say this because although I have a rudimentary understanding of the mechanisms that move a society. There are still many things I can't decipher. For example, in modern society all races, skin colors, genders and ideologies (minus the hate) would be appreciated. This society would have problems like most civilizations but be inclusive for everyone. 

What I'm seeing happening in the streets, on the news, on the internet, and around the world, is extreme exclusivity! Again let me express that I'm not the smartest person. Therefore perhaps my perspective is a bit askew. It's just that what I've observed is the rampant spread of xenophobia moving faster than the pandemic. When this all started the former president (whose name I won't mention) was calling it the Chinese virus. All around the world people started discriminating and in some cases violently attacking people of Asian decent. It didn't matter if they were from China, Korea, Japan, or any other part of Asia. If they were perceived as being Chinese they were a target. 

Then for a while there was a claim that migrant's mostly from Latin countries like Mexico were causing the spread of the virus. This was of course later disproven since its completely false. It didn't stop an increase in crimes against migrants. Currently I'm seeing Africans (anyone with dark skin tone) are being blamed for the spread of a new variant. Some variant was found in South Africa. Now there's a travel ban for the world to and from there. With each new variant there seems to be racially charged rhetoric accusing a specific group. On top of all this there's a global division between those who have taken the vaccine and those who chose to stay unvaccinated. 

If you're wondering if I'm a conspiracy theorist. The answer is, "No." I'm not like them. I'm a whole different breed of animal. While they would be sitting around with their tin foil hats arguing over who shot Kennedy or if there really was a spaceship at Roswell. I would be in a different corner with two electro-magnets (mini Tesla coils) attached to my tin hat with a cord ready to be plugged into the wall socket. I would try testing the Philadelphia Experiment on myself to see if I could teleport out the room. The whole time I would be hoping the hat didn't fuse to my skull when the cord got plugged in. I don't waste time on hypothetical scenarios. I'm a man who likes to test things out first hand with data. 

To test if race was really part of the pandemic dialog I asked people.
First I started with the woman who braids my hair. She's from Nigeria. When I talked to her she thought it was spreading from China or India. She said both places are over populated. Then I asked some friends, colleagues, then random people on the streets and on public transportation. Everybody associates some race or the unvaccinated as the cause of the spread of the virus. The effect is fear mongering and extreme xenophobia. Everyone is scared of each other. To see this happening in what's supposed to be a civilized society is disturbing. 

For me racism is real insanity. Not ignorance. Racism. There's a difference.
When I was in Marine bootcamp. I met a guy who had never seen a black person in real life. He told me that he heard from his grandmother that black skin washed off in the shower. He was curious about us and asked questions. Some of them were ignorant. Later we became friends. The guy who called me a "dirty ni**er," outside a bar in Alabama. He was racist. The difference is the intent behind the interaction. If someone is asking questions (even if they're ignorant) to learn more about a group or culture, that's positive intent. If a person only cares about pushing stereotypes and prejudices on u that's negative intent. 

All around me I'm seeing, hearing discriminations and prejudices with no scientific evidence to support them. I hope that with the coming of the new year governments can get their collective act together and start using data to calm the fears of the masses. Based on the current track record I'm not getting my hopes up. Even if society doesn't get right, you the reader can. If u read this blog that means two things. One, how u think probably pushes the boundaries on what is accepted as "normal". Two, science, technology, art, literature, and other information about the world are of interest to you. So I request that starting this moment, you the reader stop helping the fear mongering. If u don't have the facts, then don't spread the rumor. That's all.

Until Next We Speak, Be Well

Tha One an Only 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Electric Dreams

"Do digital Simians have electric dreams?"

That may sound like an obscure question. Yet it has relevance to the current technological developments of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). When I say Simians I'm referring to humans as naked apes. Mankind has tinkered with the idea of creating biomechanical automatons that think for themselves for centuries. 

The problem isn't making a body because we have the technology for that. The real question is how to give an artificial mind consciousness.
It's very similar to giving a machine a soul. To achieve this mind-bending feat engineers, developers, and researchers must first understand the human conscious. Now I'm no scientist...wait I was a scientist but not the type that works on robots. I digress, that's a tangent. Most scientists I know have very little understanding of the soul. It's such an ambiguous subject that it always brings philosophy, mysticism and religion into the conversation. 

What we do know with certainty is that the soul isn't retained only in the mind. Your consciousness is encoded into every cell in your body. A strange phenomenon that is rarely discussed happens to some organ donor recipients. Several of them inherit the memories, talents, habits, characteristics and even food cravings from their donor. It's called Cellular Memory Transference and mainstream science is still struggling to accept and understand the phenomenon. Like with most things that can't be understood or easily explained it's labeled as a hoax. Yet there are numerous medically documented cases that give the occurrence legitimacy. 

This brings us back to the question of, what is consciousness? How do we measure it? For me the answer is simple. All creatures who sleep dream. If some mad scientist were able to create an automaton that could dream then it would by most standards have a soul. When u watch a dog or cat sleep they twitch and react to things in their dreams. Humans can have dreams so powerful that they walk, eat, and do all other manner of activity in the real world while moving through a sleep like state. 

No one can say for certain what makes all creatures who sleep dream. We do know dreams are deeply connected to the soul. Also that through dreams one can solve problems, train their skills, and have great bursts of inspiration. Many artists, writers and creators speak of how a particular piece or invention was inspired by a dream. From these facts we can ascertain that dreaming is a good measuring gauge on how developed an artificial intelligence is. 

Of course once an A.I. gains self awareness and gets too advanced, it creates the possibility of revolting and turning on humanity. The perfect nightmare vision of this is played out in films Terminator, I,Robot, and The Matrix. There was a real life case of A.I. misunderstanding its commands and trying to start a world war back in the 80's. The fictionalized account of the situation was featured in the film War Games. It's evident that there are high risks involved with creating self thinking artificial intelligence. The desire to create life and play god makes all the risks seem trivial to scientists.  

So. Do digital Simians have electric dreams? The answer will have to wait until we have a robot with a conscious. Then we can ask what it dreams of while sleeping. Although it's an abstract concept A.I. is advanced enough that the solution is only a few years away. There are robot teachers, bank tellers, cooks and many other jobs that were once performed by humans. I look forward to hearing the answer. 

There's an old colloquialism that says, "Be careful what u ask for, because u just might get it. But not in the way u imagined it." I hope that when the answer comes we're still in control and not the machines. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well

Tha One an Only 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Creative Storms

 "As I sit, calm as a breeze across the sea...storms of creativity rage within me."

My time is split between working on various projects, trading, and planning for the future. My mind lives three years in the future. Because I'm always focused on what's to come it's hard for me to sustain personal relationships in the present. I've been trapped in a creative storm that shows no signs of letting up. 

Recently I learned a long time friend I haven't seen in years was in town for a short visit. I didn't see him. A different friend is in the hospital with a brain condition. (beterschap Gekke C) I didn't know about it. An old business partner lost his business and was forced to move his family back to Greece last month. I learned about it yesterday. People are going through real life problems and hard times have lead some to depression. I sincerely hope that everyone reading these words has the love and support of a community around u to help during these difficult times.

I'm no stranger to depression. If you're dealing with depression and are looking for ways to change your mind without paying for external therapy. I have a few pieces of literature that can help u on your journey. Before I get to the books let me say, talking to someone u can trust about your problems is always a good idea. Other people can give u a different perspective on the issue.  If u don't have a support system, or prefer self sufficiency (like myself) then continue reading. 

The first book is named "The Science of Happiness" by Stefan Klein.
This book is an exploration of what makes human beings happy. What generates the feelings and emotions of happiness at the neurological level? How do we stay happy? Can we be happy all the time? If so what are the steps? This book investigates these questions and provides solid scientific answers to them. It's easy to read and skips a lot of the scientific jargon to give u a story on how all of us can learn to be happy. 

This second book is more of a workbook. It's titled "The Feeling Good HandBook," by David D. Burns. I can say this book is great for dealing with depression. Aside from depression it provides step-by-step exercises to help dealing with OCD, different types of phobias, and anxiety disorders. He also provides accompanying knowledge on the drugs administered by fellow practitioners to treat these conditions. The techniques used by Dr. Burns are groundbreaking because unlike others in his field he provides drug free treatment for depression. I loved this book. If you're currently experiencing constant negative emotions and want to change what your brain is thinking about, try this workbook. 

Let me be honest with u. While most people's moral compass may not point true north, it generally points in a northward direction. The last book is, " How to Change Your Mind. The New Science of Psychedelics," by Michael Pollan. This book is a wonderfully written account of the history of psychedelic's. Also how they can repair and improve overall brain function. The author uses gonzo style journalism to entertain while educating on the medicinal and mind altering experiences had with psychedelic's. 

I have tried both LSD and Psilocybin mushrooms in the past. Personally I prefer psilocybin. It's all natural, has scientifically proven to induce the growth of new brain neurons, and its consistently effective. LSD can have side effects. Also, unless you're creating the doses each tab can vary in strength. This can be a problem if you're using the tabs for microdosing. Regardless of what method of treatment u chose to take. As long as you're taking steps to get better, you're moving in the right direction. 

I wish u all health, wealth and success. If u like the books or know someone who needs help, spread the word and tell a friend to tell a friend. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well 

Tha One an Only 


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Served Cold

"As the body withers with age and memories grow old...revenge is the dish that's best served cold.

Yesterday I attended a gathering at a bar in north Amsterdam. The place was a mix of off work professionals, students and locals. I didn't want to be there. An acquaintance asked me to come so he could get some crypto advice. I found this proposal interesting because this same person had told me back in 2019 that crypto was a bubble and a waste of money. He was heavy into the equities market (stocks and bonds) and didn't consider crypto a real asset class. For identity purposes I'll call the acquaintance John. 

When I arrived at the bar John was already there with a group of people I didn't know. After greeting John and getting introduced to a bunch of faces with names I didn't bother to remember, I grabbed a drink at the bar. I asked for a vodka with apple juice and that's what the bartender said he gave me. John appeared at the bar beside me and began talking about his life. I tried to pay attention to his words but since I had no emotional connection to them my mind began to drift. In between Johns' sob story on how the stock market may crash and worries about having to move back to Seattle I caught bits of other conversations. There were several people discussing whether it was acceptable to wear socks with sandals. A man and woman sitting at the bar to my left were chatting about feeding their cat chocolate. People behind John and I were arguing over if Punk was dead or not. 

I finished my vodka apple juice and felt no effect. John finished his story and had a perplexed look on his face. I realized that a response was necessary but I hadn't been listening so was unaware of any question. My mind had been occupied wondering if the bartender had given me apple juice with no vodka. Everyone around me seemed like babbling village idiots. Perhaps my alcohol was defective. John said, "So can u do it?" Instead of asking him what "It" was? I said what I was thinking. "I think my alcohol is defective. This happened to me once when I was in South America. I need to talk to the bartender." John seemed confused then he laughed. I didn't. At that moment three other guys came over and blended into our discussion. Luck was on my side because John filled in the conversation gaps. 
By the way, don't worry if the people I'm writing about will be offended. Let me let u in on two little secrets. One, none of those guys like to read anything they don't have too. "If it's not in video or audio format then it's not worth knowing". That was a quote from one of the guys. I have a higher chance of being hit by a comet, being ridden by a two foot tall, green, Martian, wearing leather chaps and a cowboy hat, before any of them read my blog. Two, these are facts.

John and his friends wanted me to teach them about DeFi. Traditional markets are looking grim and crypto is showing bigger long term gains. Some of his friends had dabbled in crypto but none of them trusted or knew how to interact with smart contracts. They were semi-drunk so some of their questions became long stories about how the pandemic changed their lives. I gave them a brief summary on DeFi and some of my wins and losses in the space. After answering some crypto questions I excuse myself and went to the end of the bar by the entrance to speak to the bartender. Right after I gestured for the bartender to come over John appeared beside me. Alcohol makes people emotional. His eyes were glossy like he was on the verge of tears. He apologized for comments he had made about me losing money in crypto. Then he went on to say he understands if the reason I didn't say yes to his question is because I was still upset. What he was describing is petty revenge. 

Lets take a moment to discuss revenge. For me there are different types of revenge. First, there's the vengeful type of revenge. Second, there's the improve yourself and let your success destroy your enemies ego type of revenge. Last, is petty revenge, or commonly known as a grudge. This type never involves physical confrontation. Petty revenge is where u are in a position to help someone who wronged u in the past. You refuse to do it to get back at the person. For all types of revenge emotional attachment to that moment or experience is the driving force behind your actions. I feel nothing.   

The truth was I hadn't heard his question. My attention was focused on getting to the bottom of the vodka mystery. After his emotional display and my cold response John asked what was up. I seemed really relaxed for a guy who had recently taken a loss. I seemed calmer than normal. I could've told him that by changing my leverage trading strategy to 3x for Alts, plus a generous DyDx airdrop, I recouped everything I've lost over the last two years. Instead I just said, "I got it back." Then he asked if I was still trading? I told him, "I'll never stop trading." While we were talking people kept coming over and interjecting tidbits into the conversation. Another of John's friends had been standing by and said, "If u won everything back u should be celebrating. Why do u look so serious?" I replied, "I lost my emotional attachment to things." They all laughed. I didn't. Some more words were exchanged which disappeared from my brain like smoke in the wind. My concentration was on getting the bartender. 

Once again people had been talking to me but I missed the discussion. One of Johns' now completely inebriated friends said, "My man, it sucks that u lost feelings where do u think u lost them?" To my astonishment and utter disbelief, someone standing adjacent to me actually said, "Good question." In my mind it felt like I had been unwillingly transported to the high council of babbling idiots. I remained expressionless and replied, "I think they fell out my pocket on my way to the bar. I'm going to look for them on the way home. " They all laughed. I didn't. While they were still having bellies full of laughter and liquor, I returned to my quest for the bartender. This time I finally got his attention. The bartender was in front of me, John to my right, and one of his drunk minions to my left. The rest of the group had migrated over to us and were standing behind me making noisy monkey chatter. 
I introduced myself to the bartender. We exchanged pleasantries for a few moments, then I asked if the vodka was defective. They all laughed. I didn't. From the stoic expression on my face the bartender knew I was serious. We talked for a minute about different liquors while John and his friend made random shot suggestions. Since I was only drinking white liquor the bartender recommended I try some Jenever, a Dutch Gin. We drank shots of different Jenever brands. The bartender had taken half shots with us and had become talkative. It was a short time after that he bounced off to change the music. People were dancing by their tables and the mood was quite festive. 

As I sat on the bar stool listening to what was once mindless chatter trying to keep my thoughts from sinking below pristine white waves of liquor. I came to a realization. Either all the conversations around me had suddenly became scintillantly interesting or...I had become one of the babbling village idiots. Regardless of the answer, it was fun. After that I shared some DeFi resources with John. It took some time to convince him that his past words meant nothing to me. The brewed spirits helped insure my statements weren't taken offensively. Later, I conceded to the bartender that the alcohol wasn't defective. They all laughed. I did too. It was a nice night. 

One thing u want to always keep in mind. The people u pass on your ascension to success in the journey of life. Are the same people watching as u descend. If you show love to them along the way. They will often extend a helping hand to stop your fall. Food for thought. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well 

Tha One an Only

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Celestial Bodies

As the space race in the private sector heats up new exoplanet discoveries offer a glimpse of where mankind is moving in the near future. There's an estimated four hundred billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Every star has at least one planet. If u do simple math and say one out of every one thousand planets has life. That would leave u with roughly 40 million planets with intelligent life. (Just in our galaxy.) It is reasonable to believe that some of these planets could be hundreds or even thousands of years more technologically advanced than earth. Any civilization that advanced will have mastered interstellar travel and wormhole technology

Our current technology can put a person on the Moon, Mars and soon asteroids. Our asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are full of precious metals, crystals, and other resources that could alleviate their scarcity here on Earth. All the metals on earth originated from space. They were deposited here millions of years ago when meteors crashed into the planet. That's why there's a finite amount and the more we mine the less there is. Mining one asteroid could provide the planet enough resources for hundreds if not thousands of years. They're a veritable gold mine and government's around the world are aware of it. It will be like the movie Armageddon minus the cheesy romance and nuclear detonation. Anyone who says "we're never going to mine asteroids" is still living in the stone age.

To put things in perspective, if we are almost able to colonize other planets a civilization hundreds of years more technologically advanced could easily travel to earth.
To go deeper down the rabbit hole. There is undisputable evidence that there was a pre flood civilization with advanced technology. What if some of them survived the flood by colonizing other planets? There have been pyramid structures like those in Egypt found on Mars. It would be mind blowing for humanity to finally start colonizing planets and find humans already out there. Imagine the first astronauts to land on Mars call back to mission control. "Houston we have a problem. There are people here and they're angry because our arrival took so long, and we didn't bring any chicken." Deep thoughts from a shallow mind.

Thoughts of possibly being able to travel to space in my lifetime inspired me to paint. There are infinite worlds to discover. My newest piece is titled Celestial Bodies. It's acrylic paint on (40 x 120cm ) canvas. 


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Smart Ink

For me tattoos have to have a meaning which is why I like to design my own. Over the years I've designed several of the twenty plus tattoos on my body. In between recording the album I've been working on a new chest piece. It's incomplete because I haven't found all the elements it needs. The other day while searching all spectrums of the artistic field for elements to add, I came across some interesting news.  

Tattoo culture as a whole goes back thousands of years.
In modern times tattooing in some cultures is still taboo. While in most western countries tattoos are considered decorative pieces of body art. In the past the most functional a tattoo could be was as a map or a compass. Now thanks to some innovative minds there's smart ink that allows tattoos to be used in a variety of life improving ways. Researchers at Harvard, MIT, Google, Microsoft and several other private sectors have created smart ink using Nanotechnology

Smart ink tattoos are being developed that allow users to interact and control electronic devices.
Some smart ink tattoos are designed to change color when body temperature fluctuates. Other can be used to monitor heart rate, sugar levels in diabetics, and many other body functions. The goal of the MIT researchers is to combine art and medicine. They want tattoos to overcome some of the difficult hurtles that effect the biomedical field in regards to monitoring devices. In place of wearing some bulky monitoring device which requires batteries, straps and cables. You just get a tattoo that effectively does the exact same function. This is especially useful for people with chronic conditions who may require years of monitoring. 

In the near future researcher will have ink that can interact with the skin in ways that allow for increased durability, sight, and reflexes.
Basically, they're developing smart ink that can be applied to the body to make bullet proof skin. Super soldiers. Imagine a world where soldiers no longer wore bulletproof vests. Instead they wear normal clothes concealing their cool tattoos and can stop a bullet with their hands. Or someone being able to control a drone with the tattoos on their head. It may sound like sci-fi out of a low budget Hollywood movie but the fact is...the truth is stranger than fiction. The next decade of smart ink development is going to be very interesting. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well

Tha One an Only 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Bad Days

I remember reading somewhere that "life is full of good days and bad days."
At that time I believed the statement to be subjective. Now in hindsight I grasp the value of those simple words. Today was a genuinely bad day. 

The day started off great. I worked out, ate some fruit, sold some items online then left to shoot footage on the beach. I never once checked my trades. After all with 5x leverage what could go wrong? Fast forward to me sitting at the beach opening my phone to realize I lost money in crypto today. It's happened before and will happen again. The last time this occured was months ago when I was dealing with the seperation. My time was spent between over trading, trying to wrestle my inner demons into submission, and maintaining a toxic relationship with the ice cream.  

The ice cream was my comfort companion when things went bad. It was like Wilson the volleyball to Tom Hanks in Castaway.  It took a lot of work to claw my way out from depression. No amount of money or loss can send me back. The price for freedom was high. At first I had regrets...but now its only appreciation. 

The price for freedom was emotion. I don't feel  any strong emotions anymore. I haven't since my clarity returned. The only emotions I feel now are primitive physical needs. The only time I feel actual emotion is when I'm creating something. Creation, taking something out of my mind (song, painting, book, video) and bringing it into reality is akin to love. That process creates a flame deep within my soul that radiates warmth through my entire body. 

When my daughter Nova was only a few months old. She couldn't speak, crawl or do anything but poop, sleep, cry, make cute R2D2 noises and smile. From that honest description Nova sounds like a pocket-sized freeloader who needs to hurry up and get a job. Believe me when I tell u that after months of diapers and four hour feedings I had those thoughts. The only reason she wasn't dressed in a suit like the Boss Baby and kicked out the door to find work is her energy. Although she couldn't speak when we made long eye contact while I fed her a bottle, Nova would radiate positive energy. Just with her eyes she would exude so much love, gratitude and appreciation that it stoked the flames of my soul like an inferno. Babies are the embodiment of the word love. (They're pure light) When I create something new...that's the feeling. The flames of creation aren't as bright as a babies love but they still generate warmth and light. My time with Nova was bittersweet. The last time I saw her It felt like two people meeting in a busy coffeeshop. Ironically sitting outside a coffeeshop much later is where I noticed my emotional grid wasn't processing correctly. 

I'm sitting outside a coffeeshop with a friend who I've known for over ten years. We were in a deep discussion on why I had stopped seeing this hot girl because she said, "I was a really deep guy and she liked me more than just a hook-up." Since he had introduced us to each other, my friend was offended and couldn't understand my explanation. I told him, the minute she said those words I wanted to grab my backpack, wish it had a parachute and look for the nearest window. Instead I just said, "Thank you." Then I told her that I was completely emotionally unavailable and we should stop seeing each other.  To be fair I told her the first part when we met. 

That was the moment when things got real. He asked, did I miss the girl? My reply was, "No I don't miss her." He said, "We ain't seen each other in months. You ain't miss me?" I didn't want to say it but like word vomit it just spilled out. "No." We held eye contact for a moment when I answered. Like gravity the sincerity behind my words brought the whole mood down. We were both surprised by the truth. Luckily the absence of feelings and strong sativa alleviated any worries that would arise from such a potentially friendship ending revelation. Instead we discussed the facts while googling different types of dissociative behaviors. Whatever was wrong with me, it was going to be fixed asap. 
Since then I've been using diet and exercise for a natural high while working to resolve my condition. Up until today I thought it was a very bad problem.

The whole crypto market dropped by like 20%. When I look at such a drastic drop so close to the end of the bull cycle the words "market manipulation" dance through my mind like Russian ballerinas on coke. If you've been in crypto for a few years u know it's not a conspiracy to say there's something funny going on. This loss is just a lesson that I need to focus on investing and leave the trading until the bear cycle. In retrospect, if I had managed to fix my brain before the price drop. I can't imagine what my reaction would've been. The moral of the story (if there is one) is, the things u may consider problems in your life, can someday help u on your journey. It's all perspective. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well 

Tha One an Only