Thursday, July 15, 2021

Digital World

As blockchain technology becomes more mainstream we stand on the precipice of a digital world.
In this world all services, social networks, games, films, music, insurance, banks and everything in between will be found on the blockchain. I'm aware that my prior statement sounds like science fiction, or the conjectures of a madman. Allow me to illuminate your mind to what already exists and what's to come in the near future. 

Back in 2018 I heard of a company building a video game on the blockchain. At that time it was a revolutionary concept because the world was focused on Ethereum based (ERC-20) tokens. The arms race between developers for DApps was in full swing and no one discussed NFT's. The company is named Phantasma. They were creating a racing game using NFT's that could compete with one built for a console. They succeeded. 

Fast forward to 2021. Everyone and their grandmother knows what NFT's are. They have essentially been the entry asset for most new people to crypto. (If u want to check out my NFT collection of music and art go to opensea and type my name in the search box.) Developers expanded their use case beyond video games. Advancements in VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) are being integrated with blockchain to create new digital worlds. In these worlds u have an avatar and can interact with people from any location on the planet. Think of the film Ready Player One. We're not at that point yet but companies like Decentraland, Flow and the Sandbox are working to achieve that goal.  

Currently all banking services are available on the blockchain. The use case for Defi (Decentralized Finance) is rising like inflation. Companies like Compound, Aave, and Maker offer interest on deposits and loans to bankless people around the globe. For decentralized music there's Audius, for videos there's Theta, for insurance there's Armor (Armor Finance). You name the service and there's some company building a decentralized version on the blockchain. There's even a company named Helium building an entirely decentralized internet. 

At this point it would seem like blockchain technology is the wave of the future. If you think that you're not wrong. Although blockchain is new technology that's still growing. In the near future it could become old news. 

DNA digital data storage allows the user to encode and decode binary data from augmented strands of DNA. This is the future. By using these strands of synthetic DNA petabytes of data can be stored in a miniscule amount of space. To give u an idea of how much information can be stored. All sixteen gigabytes of data in the Wikipedia English language version could be stored on a single strand of synthetic DNA. This was reported by scientists back in 2019. The potential use cases in all fields of science and medicine are so vast they can't be easily quantified. 

A digital world is coming. The more u learn about the minds and technologies being used to create that world, the easier it will be to navigate. 

Until Next We Speak, Be Well

Tha One an Only 

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